L&B Events
What is this CSV for?
This CSV offers transactions (borrows, repayments, withdrawals, deposits and liquidations) registered on-chain, for the main L&B protocols.
File structure details
File Name: [blockchain]_[kaiko_exchange_code]_[underlying_asset_symbol]_[underlying_asset_address]_[event_type]_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis.
example: ethereum_aav2_WETH_0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2_withdraw_2023-02-14.csv.gz
Cut-off time:
00:00:00 UTC
We use the timestamp of the block in order to cut-off the data points between days.
Column Delimeter: , (comma)
Decimal Mark (in numbers): . (dot)
Field | Description | Example |
| The blockchain on which the transaction happened. |
| Code of the L&B protocol. |
| The height of the block in which the transaction happened. |
| The timestamp of the block in which the transaction happened. |
| Transaction hash | --- |
| Log index of the transaction |
| Event type: Borrow, deposit, withdraw, repayment or liquidation. |
| Address of the user. |
| Symbol of the underlying asset. |
| Address of the underlying asset. |
| Decimals of the underlying asset. |
| Symbol of the receipt asset. |
| Address of the receipt asset. |
| Decimals of the receipt asset. |
| Amounts of the borrowed token. |
As well as the following fields specific to each event type:
Borrow Event
Field | Description | Example |
| Amounts of the receipt token. |
| Borrow rate (at the event level or at the contract level depending on the protocol). |
| Stable (1) or Variable (2) |
| The address of user who will incur the debt. |
Deposit Event
Field | Description | Example |
| Amounts of the receipt token. |
| Supply rate of the overall lending pool. |
| The address that will receive the receipt tokens. |
Withdraw Event
Field | Description | Example |
| Amounts of the receipt token. |
| The address that will receive the underlying token. |
Repayment Event
Field | Description | Example |
| Amounts of the receipt token. |
| The address of user who will incur the debt. |
| Stable (1) or Variable (2) |
Liquidation Event
Field | Description | Example |
| Symbol of the debt asset. |
| Address of the debt asset. |
| Decimals of the debt asset. |
| Amount of the debt asset. |
| The address that triggered the liquidation transaction. |
| The liquidator chooses to receive the collateral's asset (False) or recept token (True). |
| Debt (1) or Collateral (2) |
Last updated