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Last updated
This CSV offers aggregated VWAP (volume-weighted average price) history for an instrument on an exchange.
The time granularity that we provide through CSV files is 1min
, 5min
, 10min
, 15min
and 30min
for monthly grouped CSV files, while 1hour
, 4hour
and 1day
for yearly grouped CSV files.
File Name: [kaiko_legacy_slug]_[data_feed_code]_vwap_[time_granularity]_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis, but complete as a month or year ends
example: bw_btcusdt_perp_vwap_5m_2023_02.csv, bw_atomusdt_perp_vwap_1h_2023.csv
Cut-off datetime:
Monthly grouped files: The mid-night of the last day of the month
Yearly grouped files: The mid-night of the last day of the year
Column Delimeter: , (comma)
Decimal Mark (in numbers): . (dot)
There are no column headers in the CSV files, so I will present the columns in order from left to right.
The starting timestamp of the time interval, expressed in Unix Timestamp (in milliseconds)
The volume weighted price during the time interval. null
when no trades reported.