VWAP, or Volume Weighted Average Price, is the average price of an asset over a specific time period, weighted by the volume of trades. VWAP can be used to gauge market sentiment and momentum shifts.
VWAP, or Volume Weighted Average Price, is the average price of an asset over a specific time period, weighted by the volume of trades. VWAP can be used to gauge market sentiment and momentum shifts.
Historical data: Since 2010
Live data: Yes
Granularity: Time periods between 1-minute and 1-day
VWAP, or Volume Weighted Average Price, is the average price of an asset over a specific time period, weighted by the volume of trades. VWAP can be used to gauge market sentiment and momentum shifts.
Historical data: Since 2010
Live data: No
Granularity: Time periods between 1-second and 1-day