Aggregated Quotes
What is this endpoint for?
Aggregated Quotes provides computed real-time price that is based on the best bids and best asks across a highly-vetted selection of exchanges, meaning you can get a comprehensive view of demand, without the need to monitor exchanges individually. The exchanges used in this calculation are vetted, meaning only those that are part of the Kaiko Exchange Ranking are included. The best bids are aggregated over 10-second intervals and delivered every second. This means you receive the best bids and asks from the previous 10 seconds, updated every second.
Note that Kaiko Exchange Ranking is updated every quarter, so the exchanges used in the calculation may change.
Parameter | Description | Examples |
| The class of the instrument(s) . Explore instruments in the Instrument Explorer or by using the Reference API endpoint. |
| The Kaiko code for the instrument(s). The class of the instrument(s) . Explore codes in the Instrument Explorer or by using the Reference API endpoint. |
| This parameter is set to |
Configuring multiple instruments
To configure multiple instruments in the same stream, provide the code
as a comma separated list eg btc-usd,eth-usd.
Field | Description |
| The time period over which the best bid or ask was calculated. This is always |
| The class of the instrument. |
| The instrument code. |
| The timestamp the data became available in the Kaiko system. |
| When Example: btc-usd
For each unit of When Example: btc-usd
For each unit of |
Request examples
Make sure to read our Python quick-start guide before starting.
Response Example
Last updated