Tick-level Trades

What is this endpoint for?

Tick-level data is the most granular level of trading data, and contains every single trade that occurs or centralized and decentralized exchanges. The data is normalized and timestamped and contains information such as the price and volume of each trade. For DEX’s specifically, we also provide additional information on the user address, the blockchain, the pool address and transaction hash related to the trade.


Configuring a wildcard

A wildcard allows you to request all information we have on a specific instrument, class, or exchange in the same stream. Use a * in place of the relevant exchange, instrument, or class parameter.

For example, the configuration below would deliver trades for BTC/USD across all exchanges where it’s supported:

exchange: * class: spot instrument: btc-usd


Request examples

Make sure to read our Python quick-start guide before starting.

 # This is a code example. Configure your parameters in the parameter configuration section #

from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os

import grpc
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
from google.protobuf import duration_pb2

from kaikosdk import sdk_pb2_grpc
from kaikosdk.core import instrument_criteria_pb2, assets_pb2
from kaikosdk.stream.aggregates_ohlcv_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_ohlcv
from kaikosdk.stream.aggregates_vwap_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_vwap
from kaikosdk.stream.market_update_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_market_update
from kaikosdk.stream.market_update_v1 import commodity_pb2 as pb_commodity
from kaikosdk.stream.trades_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_trades
from kaikosdk.stream.index_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_index
from kaikosdk.stream.index_multi_assets_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_index_multi_assets
from kaikosdk.stream.index_forex_rate_v1 import request_pb2 as pb_index_forex_rate
from kaikosdk.stream.aggregated_quote_v2 import request_pb2 as pb_aggregated_quote
from kaikosdk.stream.aggregates_spot_exchange_rate_v2 import request_pb2 as pb_spot_exchange_rate
from kaikosdk.stream.aggregates_direct_exchange_rate_v2 import request_pb2 as pb_direct_exchange_rate

def market_update_request(channel: grpc.Channel):
        with channel:
            stub = sdk_pb2_grpc.StreamMarketUpdateServiceV1Stub(channel)
            responses = stub.Subscribe(pb_market_update.StreamMarketUpdateRequestV1(
                  # start of parameter configuration # 
                instrument_criteria = instrument_criteria_pb2.InstrumentCriteria(
                    exchange = "cbse",
                    instrument_class = "spot",
                    code = "*"
                  # end of parameter configuration # 
            for response in responses:
                print("Received message %s" % (MessageToJson(response, including_default_value_fields = True)))
                # print("Received message %s" % list(map(lambda o: o.string_value, response.data.values)))
    except grpc.RpcError as e:
        print(e.details(), e.code())
def run():
    credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=None)
    call_credentials = grpc.access_token_call_credentials(os.environ['KAIKO_API_KEY'])
    composite_credentials = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(credentials, call_credentials)
    channel = grpc.secure_channel('gateway-v0-grpc.kaiko.ovh', composite_credentials)


if __name__ == '__main__':

Response Example

    "result": {
        "additionalProperties": {
            "sequence": "85453949096"
        "amount": 0.31157787,
        "class": "spot",
        "code": "btc-usd",
        "exchange": "cbse",
        "sequenceId": "cqpo618mna6i5t62gp4g",
        "id": "677226346",
        "price": 56510,
        "side": "SELL",
        "tsExchange": {
            "value": "2024-08-07T14:21:57.046442Z"
        "tsCollection": {
            "value": "2024-08-07T14:21:57.131157967Z"
        "tsEvent": "2024-08-07T14:21:57.329633824Z"

Last updated