Tick-level Trades
What is this CSV for?
Tick-level data is the most granular level of trading data, and contains every single trade that occurs or centralized and decentralized exchanges. The data is normalized and timestamped and contains information such as the price and volume of each trade. For DEX’s specifically, we also provide additional information on the user address, the blockchain, the pool address and transaction hash related to the trade.
File Structure Details
File Name: [exchange_name]_[data_feed_code]_trades_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis.
example: Binance V2_BTCUSD_PERP_trades_2023_02_13.csv
Cut-off time:
00:00:00 UTC
We use the timestamp when exchanges send the order book data points through websocket or REST API in order to cut-off the data points between days.
Column Delimeter: , (comma)
Column | Description | Example |
| Unique trade ID (unique to the exchange). In case the exchange does not provide an ID, we generate it ourselves. |
| Kaiko legacy slug for an exchange |
| Data feed code in lower case |
| The timestamp provided by the exchange in Unix Timestamp (in milliseconds) |
| Executed price |
| Quantity of asset bought or sold (can be in base_asset, quote_asset or the number of contracts). |
| Taker sell side |
Last updated