Ethereum Wallets
What is this CSV for?
File structure details
File Structure Details
File Name: [blockchain]_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis.
example: ethereum_2023-02-12.csv
Cut-off time:
00:00:00 UTC
We use the timestamp of the block in order to cut-off the data points between days.
Column Delimeter: ,(comma)
Decimal Mark (in numbers): . (dot)
Field | Description | Example |
| The address on which the row is focused. |
| Blockchain name. |
| The height of the block. |
| The timestamp of the block. |
| Transaction hash. |
| Event type. |
| The index of the transaction. |
| Generated number that gives the order of each balance impact, for one file. Based on call index and log indexes. |
| The address that sends tokens or coins. |
| The address that receives tokens or coins. |
| The address that signed the transaction. |
| Symbol of the token or coin transfered |
| The address of the token or coin transfered. |
| Inflow or outflow from the user_address. |
| Amount of asset transfered. |
| Wallet balance for the user_address for this asset. |
| Amount of asset transferred in usd. |
| Wallet balance for the user_address for this asset in usd. |
All possible values for the field transaction_type
Value | Description |
| Unknown balance_change reason, only happens for the chain’s coin. |
| Uncle block rewards are awarded to miners who generate an uncle block that gets included in a valid block added to the chain. These uncle blocks are analogous to stale blocks in Bitcoin. However, rather than being disregarded, uncle blocks receive rewards dependent on their novelty. |
| Rewards granted to the miner who mines the current block. |
| This is related to the execution of the DAO hard-fork, an event that occurred as a response to the notorious DAO hack in 2016. This hard-fork moved all the Ether initially stored in The DAO (and its child DAOs) to a refund contract. From this contract, original DAO token holders could claim their proportional share of the funds. |
| Refers to any adjustment made to an account’s balance in relation to DAO-related hard-fork or operations. |
| A coin transfer operation. |
| Refers to the balance attributed to addresses during the genesis block. |
| The amount of gas purchased by the initiator to execute the transaction. |
| Reward earned by the miner for including the transaction in the block. |
| |
| The process of refunding gas to the initiator when the state store is cleared. |
| Refers to the process of interacting with an account in some way, such as updating its nonce. |
| The process of refunding gas to a contract owner when the SELFDESTRUCT operation is called, as it clears the store. |
| This action allows the withdrawal of the remaining coin (ex: ETH) in a self-destructed account to a specific address. |
| This operation overrides the default balance of an account. |
| Burning coins in chains where this process occurs. |
| Allows the withdrawal of rewards or stake for validators. |
| This operation involves the transfer of (ERC20) tokens. |
| This operation mints WETH tokens after a coin (ex: ETH) deposit. |
| This operation burns WETH tokens before a coin (ex: ETH) withdrawal. |
| This operation allows the deposit of (ERC20) tokens into staking contracts or escrow. |
| This operation allows the withdrawal of (ERC20) tokens from the staking contracts or escrow. |
Last updated