Bitcoin & UTXO Wallets
What is this CSV for?
This CSV offers in-depth insights into BTC and other UTXO wallets including transfers and wallet balances over time.
File structure details
This product is made of two distinct tables: - Balance Data - One row for each address balance change. - Transaction Data - One row for each transaction.
File Name: [blockchain]_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis.
example: bitcoin_2023-02-12.csv
Cut-off time:
00:00:00 UTC
We use the timestamp of the block in order to cut-off the data points between days.
Column Delimeter: ,(comma)
Decimal Mark (in numbers): . (dot)
Balance Data
Field | Description | Example |
| The address on which the row is focused. |
| Blockchain name. |
| The height of the block. |
| The timestamp of the block. |
| Transaction hash. |
| Event type. |
| The index of the transaction. |
| Generated number that gives the order of each balance impact, for one file. Based on call index and log indexes. |
| Symbol of the coin transfered |
| Inflow or outflow from the user_address. |
| Amount of asset transfered. |
| Wallet balance for the user_address for this asset. |
| Amount of asset transferred in usd. |
| Wallet balance for the user_address for this asset in usd. |
Transaction Data
Field | Description | Example |
| Blockchain name. |
| The height of the block. |
| The timestamp of the block. |
| Transaction hash. |
| The index of the transaction. |
| The addresses that sends the coin. |
| The addresses that receives the coin. |
| Symbol of the coin transfered |
| Amount of asset transfered. |
| Fees paid for the transaction. |
| Amount of asset transferred in usd. |
| Fees paid for the transaction in usd. |
Last updated