Lending Rates
What is this CSV for?
This CSV provides information about lending pools. It shows data such as how many tokens has been deposited and borrowed, as well as the interest rates for lending and borrowing at each block.
File structure details
File Name: [blockchain]_[kaiko_exchange_code]_[underlying_asset_symbol]_[underlying_asset_address]_[date].csv
Files are created on a daily basis.
example: ethereum_aav2_WETH_0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2_2023-02-14.csv.gz
Cut-off time:
00:00:00 UTC
We use the timestamp of the block in order to cut-off the data points between days.
Column Delimeter: , (comma)
Decimal Mark (in numbers): . (dot)
Field | Description | Example |
| The blockchain on which the transaction happened. |
| The height of the block in which the transaction happened. |
| The timestamp of the block in which the transaction happened. |
| Code of the L&B protocol. |
| Symbol of the underlying asset. |
| Address of the underlying asset. |
| Decimals of the underlying asset. |
| Symbol of the receipt asset. |
| Address of the receipt asset. |
| Decimals of the receipt asset. |
| The total amount of liquidity for this pool. |
| The total amount of available liquidity for this pool. |
| The total amount of tokens borrowed for this pool. |
| The supply rate. |
| The stable borrow rate. |
| The variable borrow rate. |
| Additional fields specific to each exchange. See below. |
Additional fields
Field | Description | Example |
| The total amount of assets borrowed with a stable rate for this pool. |
| The total amount of assets borrowed with a variable rate for this pool. |
Field | Description | Example |
| The total amount of assets borrowed with a stable rate for this pool. |
| The total amount of assets borrowed with a variable rate for this pool. |
| Total liquidity - All of the debt tokens supply. |
Field | Description | Example |
| Total liquidity - All of the debt tokens supply. |
Field | Description | Example |
| Total liquidity - All of the debt tokens supply. |
Field | Description | Example |
| Minimum ratio of collateral before liquidation. |
| Maximum amount of DAI that can be emitted on this type of vault. |
| Minimum amount of DAI that can be minted for this type of Vault. |
Last updated