Uniswap V3 Liquidity Estimator
What is this endpoint for?
The Uniswap V3 Liquidity Estimator offers insight into the token reserves on Uniswap V3.
This data shows the liquidity across all the price levels for a specific pair of tokens on Uniswap V3. Each price level has a range, which is shown aslower_tick
(the lowest price of the level) and upper_tick
(the highest price of the level). The data shows you the amount of tokens and liquidity available at each price level.
We display all price-levels up to 10% either side of the current block price. The data is provided in a block-by-block granularity.
Access the methodology here.
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
| Yes | Pool address. |
| No | Should be one of the currently supported blockchain. |
| No | Shows the data as soon as the block is validated.
(Default: |
| No | Starting block height (inclusive). |
| No | Ending block height (inclusive). |
| No | Starting time in ISO 8601 (inclusive). |
| No | Ending time in ISO 8601 (inclusive). |
| No | The interval of price around the current price, in % (min: 0, default: 0.1, max: 0.2). |
| No | Number of snapshots to return data for. (default: 10, min: 1, max: 10). See Pagination |
Field | Description | Example |
| The blockchain on which the transaction happened. |
| The height of the block. |
| Name of the pool as it is written on the blockchain. |
| Address of the contract of the pool. |
| The current tick at this block. |
| The current price at this block, normalized using the pool’s tokens decimals. |
| The timestamp of the block. |
| The snapshot of the liquidity at each tick of the pool. | See table below. |
Field snapshots
Field snapshot | Description | Example |
| The amount of token0 in the specified tick range, normalized using the token0 decimals. |
| The amount of token1 in the specified tick range, normalized using the token1 decimals. |
| The amount of liquidity in the specified tick range. |
| The lower tick of the range. |
| The upper tick of the range. |
Last updated